Cruisin’ With the Cranes 15K

     2001 New Mexico State 15k Championship

            San Antonio, New Mexico

     Results of Local Residents and Leaders


15 km road race

3 x 5 km relay

3 February 2001


Last              First    Time     Group   Place     Pace

van Hest          Gregory  0:45:44  M25-29  1   1     04:54 (First Male)

Baldyga           Krystoff 0:46:16  M25-29  2   2     04:58 (Second Male)

Broaddus          Chris    0:51:10  M25-29  4   3     05:29 (NM Champion)

Otero             Daniel   0:56:45  M40-44  10  1     06:05 (NM Masters Champion)

Baldyga           Renata   1:01:02  F25-29  15  1     06:33 (First Female)

Leddy             Patrice  1:13:58  F40-44  37  2     07:56 (NM Champion)

Nolen             Sandy    1:07:52  F35-39  23  1     07:17 (First Socorro female)

Schaffer          Kim      1:09:14  F35-39  25  2     07:26 (Second Socorro female)

Lord              Dave     1:04:40  M30-34  18  2     06:56 (First Socorro male)

Higgs             EP       1:28:04  M35-39  61  4     09:27 (Second Socorro male)

Yarger            Fred     1:34:31  M45-49  67  9     10:08

Vaiza             Shorty   1:22:45  M50-54  56  7     08:53

Cowboys           Team     0:50:01  M team  3   1     05:22 (First team)

Bubbly Bubblers   Team     1:19:13  M team  48  7     08:30 (First Socorro team)

Cheeseheads       Team     1:31:10  F team  63  2     09:47

Isotopes          Team     1:31:12  F team  64  3     09:47

2 Guys & a Geezer Team     1:10:22  family  32  1     07:33 (First family team)

Team Napier       Team     1:27:08  family  60  2     09:21