HUNAM * Willard Goosey It is a thousand years after the bloody wars that Humans called the "Space Invader Wars." Back then, Humans were the newest race on the galactic scene. The Dominos of Hit*xanDa'Cra sent sent vast fleets of warships, manned by many species, to destory the upstarts. The Humans would respond by sending one ship. More often than not, the Human ship was victorious. The Dominos is radioactive dust, now. And all the Great Races have adopted the Human convention of using single warships to fight. But now the Pax Terra has been broken by the Humans themselves. The galaxy has been plunged into war. And a vast Human fleet has unwarped outside your home system. Yours is one of the few races who remembers the old wars, the old technologies. The engineers have constructed four fighter craft. They are all that stand between your race and genocide. The Human ships are vaguely human shaped, and launch slow-moving but powerful missiles. These missiles can destroy your ship with one hit. Your ship, designed after one of the ancient "Space Invader" fighters, carries two weapons. The first, fired by the space-bar, is a powerful energy weapon. One hit from this vicious weapon will destory a human ship, but cannot hit their missiles. Your other weapon, fired by the "s" key, launches a missile similar to the human weapons. Compared to the energy cannon, the missile moves very slowly, but can destroy incoming missiles. Side to side movement is accomplished with the left and right arrow keys. The Human ship cannot leave the top row of the screen, and you are simiarly confined to the bottom row. The screen wraps around at the edges. Good luck! *Hunam is a mispronuncation of the word "Human" that is widely used by the Great Races.