Cursor Movement Controls j - cursor left i - cursor up u - scroll up b - insert char l - cursor right , - cursor down m - scroll down x - xchange char h - word left o - page up k - beg/end line ; - word right . - page down More--('q' for quit) Edit Buffer Controls ^A - delete word left ^Z - delete line left ^P - join lines ^D - delete word right ^C - delete line right ^B - split lines ^F - abort changes ^X - delete whole line LF - split line/insert More--('q' for quit) Cut / Paste Functions s - mark/unmark line p - paste cut buffer e - erase cut buffer c - cut marked lines n - nondestructive cut w - write cut buffer a - append marked lines v - nondestr. append to a disk file to the cut buffer More--('q' for quit) Miscellaneous Functions g - goto line number - Insert mode - Command Mode f - find next occurance r - replace next occurance of of with ? - You know this one ^G - print status line