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    Masterbook was WEG's attempt at making a more generic version of the Torg system. Initially I was very excited about "second edition Torg" but anticipation turned to disappointment when I finally read it. It wasn't heroic in mechanics, the PCs weren't larger-than-life and the rules weren't consistent between the various worldbooks they produced. In short, most of what I loved about Torg had been taken out.

    In 1995 I attempted to do an in-depth review/analysis of Masterbook, though I'm sure to many people it appeared more like a bitch session about how I thought the original Torg system was better. I wasn't able to finish the review, my vitriol ran out before I could even begin ripping into Chapter Four. But I did manage to churn about more than 100 KB of text concerning the first three chapters, which is now available for your persusal here on my website.
    Originally my review was posted over the course of about five months in ten installments, one for Chapter One, two for Chapter Two and seven for Chapter Three. For easier reading I've combined and edited the original posts down to three installments:

Torg, Masterbook, Shatterzone, West End Games, and WEG are trademarks of Purgatory Publishing. You can find out more about Torg at

page created 10/26/97 , modified 4/11/2000