The Hunter by Sandy Addison (send comments to: By the time that Ruth had gotten into position so that she could observe the warehouse the thunderstorm had reached its zenith. "Oh holy God, please do not allow me to become ill this night" Ruth prayed to herself. Normally she wouldn't have bothered the Lord with such a trivial request. But Ruth hated being sick, and since she was on the Lords work, she did not think that he would mind granting a faithful servant a small request. The prayer done, Ruth returned to her examination of the warehouse across the street."No activity, but I know that the coven and its demon leader are in there. All that I have to do now is to get proof. Then the local church police will mobilize to remove the threat to the church." Ruth continued her vigil for the demons, for that was her calling in the Cyberchurch, the calling of a demon hunter. With her spiked hair, wild makeup and leather clothing, no one would suspect that she was actually a nun. That was how she wanted it. The purpose of the demon hunters was to infiltrate communities that were secretly in league with the demons. In the crowded world of Cyberfrance, these lairs were often located in the slums of the major cities. In such communities, the flamboyant appearance of a punk rocker was the norm, and therefore attracted little attention. As she scanned the warehouse with her cybereye, Ruth again thanked God and Jean Malraux for the gift of it and the other miracles that "technology" had brought. The stalking of demons always had its risks, but cyberware gave the hunters tools which allowed the battle to be fought on more equal terms. Ruth especially liked the Godlight laser. There was something spirituality right about using God's greatest gift to man, light, as a weapon which could so easily strike down his enemies. Ruth's musing was interrupted by the whine of an approaching hover vehicle. Shortly after, Ruth saw the David armour personnel carrier come into view and stop right in front of the warehouse in which the demons were occupying. Curious, Ruth moved toward the warehouse to find out what was going on. As she approached, Ruth noticed three hospitallers exit the vehicle in full armour, weapons at the ready. Once the area appeared secure, a cyberpriest exited the APC. When she saw who the priest was, Ruth took a sharp intake of breath. It was Father Michael, aid to the archbishop. "What, by all that is holy, is he doing here?" Ruth thought aloud. As if in response to Ruth's question, Father Michael shouted at the top of his lungs. "Azelboris, I command you to appear in God's holy light!" At first nothing happened, then a shadow appeared near the entrance to the warehouse. It hovered there for several seconds, then started to move toward the churchmen. As this occurred, the hospitallers quickly raised their weapons in response, tracking the shadow as it moved toward them. "Very pretty Azelboris, but your effort to scare me is wasted" stated Father Michael to the shadow. "NOW, APPEAR TO ME, BEFORE I REVEAL TO YOU THE FULL INTENSITY OF OUR LORD'S WRATH." As if by magic the shadow formed into a creature. It was obvious to Ruth that the thing known as Azelboris was the demon that she had been hunting. It was tall and massively built, the upper torso that of a man whose features were only marred by the two horns which protruded from its head. However, it legs were like those of a goat, complete with cloven hooves. "What does the holy mother church need from this wayward son?" Asked Azelboris, mockingly. Father Michael got right to the point. "His Holiness the Cyberpope has been pleased with your actions of late, and has therefore decided to reward you." "To serve him is the only reward that I desire." Azelboris sneered. "Nevertheless, it has been decided that you will be given enough gospog seeds to start a new field. This field will be your responsibility and you may do with it has you wish" replied Michael. If he understood the sarcasm of Azelboris's responses, he gave no impression of it. "I thank my father, the Cyberpope, for having such faith in me" the demon replied. "However," continued Father Michael, "we do require that you take the bodies from only one city." It was now the cyberpriest's turn to smile. "Of course there is always a catch. Very well, which city am I to spread fear into?" replied Azelboris with a sigh of resignation. "Tours; the city is loyal, however it needs to be reminded why devotion to the Cyberpope is so important. When you have gathered the necessary bodies send word and we will arrange for the seeds to be delivered. That is all Azelboris, you may go now." With that Michael dismissed the demon with a wave of his hand. The meeting finished, the churchmen reentered their vehicle and left the area. However, Azelboris continued holding his ground. "Aye I shall get the bodies for the field priest, and yours shall be one of them" whispered Azelboris, as he reentered the building. Ruth was shocked by what she had heard. A priest giving orders to demons? And demons obeying them! She knew that she had come across a conspiracy of some sort and that she needed more information on what was occurring. She did not believe for a minute that the Cyberpope was really involved in such dealings. Others were obviously speaking in his name. Slowly, using the heavy rain as cover, she moved toward the warehouse. Once inside, Ruth was disgusted but not shocked by what she found. Within the room was a coven of thirteen witches who served as handmaidens to the demon. All around the building there were occult symbols. In the centre of the building was a large fire with a spit across it. Upon the spit was some kind of meat, by the smell it seemed to be pork, but long experience told Ruth that it was most likely some other, two legged animal. Ruth had seen enough, and was ready to take action against the seeds of Satan's betrayal. She willed the adrenal bloosters to begin sending the artificial adrenalin into her system. Then in a harsh whisper she prayed. "Oh Lord of Hosts, grant unto me the fanatical energy needed to defeat thine enemies." In response the world seemed to slow, however Ruth knew that this was because her senses had sped up. Knowing that such miracles were short lived, Ruth made her move. Seeing that she was greatly outnumbered, Ruth pulled out of her jacket one of the new weapons that the lord had seen fit to give to his servants; a fragmentation grenade. She thumbed the fuse to impact and threw the grenade into a gathering of seven witches. The explosion took the remainder of the coven by surprise as pieces of witch flew in several directions. Ruth did notice that no blood flowed from the creatures, instead a thick dark green fluid spattered the walls. Placing this observation in the back of her mind, Ruth continued with her attack upon the enemies of the Lord. "By Saint Dymphna, users of demonlore halt and move no more!" Ruth shouted out focusing her faith toward the remaining witches. The response was dramatic as all the witches and the demon were held fast by mage nets, unable to take any offensive action at all. Knowing that invoking such a miracle on so many limited the time in which it would be effective, Ruth acted quickly. Using the smartgun system attached to her laser Ruth quickly started to kill the immobilized witches, placing accurate shots into the heart of each one. Seeing that his forces were being desimated by a single individual, Azelboris lept back under cover and started to cast a spell that would finish this troublesome mortal. However, Ruth was well aware of his actions and quickly moved from the location that she had previously occupied. Unfortunately, the demon expected this maneuver and when it came back up surrounded by electrical energy Ruth was not in a position to stop the demon from casting a lighting bolt at her. The bolt's aim was true and even with her hollowmesh armour and the pain blockers kicking in, she was unable to suppress a scream. But the bolt did not stop her and she was able to leap to within melee range of the demon. "By St. Jube, you will now feel the torment that our lord endured!" Ruth screamed. Then it was Azelboris's turn to scream as it experienced the pain of the crucifixion. Through the initial shock of the pain it saw the women turn and attack the remaining witches with her laser. Quickly, Azelboris and the hunter were the only living beings in the warehouse. With the Lord's fury still blazing in her eyes, Ruth turned toward Azelboris and said "You will now tell me why you are accepting orders from a member of the church." "I will tell you nothing." Retorted Azelboris. Zzacrack! Azelboris bellowed again as Ruth's laser shot separated his right hoof from the rest of his body. "I will ask you again, why are you accepting orders from members of the church?" repeated Ruth. Slowly and with several more body parts being separated from him, Azelboris revealed the information that Ruth required. In the end he welcomed the oblivion that Ruth's last laser shot to the head gave him. As Ruth lowered her Godlight, her wrath rose. "The Archbishop involved in a plot to needlessly endanger the faithful. Well, he and the others involved shall be stopped, on that I swear." * Returning to the headquarters of the local Church Police, Ruth cleaned herself up and changed back into her habit. Only when these things were done did she then entered the GodNet. She moved quickly through Babel Central and into the hub of the local Inquisition headquarters. As the guardian program accepted her ID codes, she requested an interview with Brother-Superior Marcus. Marcus was a quiet contemplative man who when the need arose was quite ruthless. It had been Marcus who had first recruited Ruth into this part of the church and she thought of him as both her mentor and friend. "Sister Ruth, what may this humble servant of God do to help you at this late hour?" Marcus asked as his virtual image came into being in the virtual copy of his office. "Brother-Superior I have grave news that I felt must be brought to you notice immediately." Responded Ruth. "Go on, Sister." Quickly and without embellishment, Ruth told Marcus of the events that had folded that night, including the confession, by Azelboris, of the Archbishop's involvement. "I would remind you," cautioned Marcus, "that a demon is hardly a fitting witness to accuse a man of the cloth." "I agree, Brother-Superior, however I clearly saw Father Michael talking to the demon. This at least should warrant further investigation" countered Ruth. Seeing her conviction, Brother-Superior Marcus smiled. "This investigation would, of course, be done by one such as yourself?" he asked. "I took a vow to stop all those involved in this plot against the faithful Brother-Superior, and I intend to keep it" Ruth responded with conviction. "Very well Sister, return to your earthly form and await my orders. Tell no one of this until you hear from me." See that the interview was over, Ruth turned and left. When see exited the GodNet and returned to her body, she found that she was surrounded by church police. "Sister Ruth?" asked the police captain. "Yes" responded Ruth. Only now was she noticing that the other officers had their weapons drawn. "In the name of his holiness the Cyberpope, I place you under arrest for the crime of heresy" said the Captain. With this Ruth was handcuffed and a gag was forced into her mouth. Finally a bag was placed over her head so that she could no longer see. However, she did hear Brother-Superior Marcus' disembodied voice say over the radio. "You were always the best at this calling Ruth. Now you shall pay for that honour with your life." * As she hung on the wall, held upright only by the manacles on her wrist, Ruth tried again to raise her head to view the sterile white surroundings. She had never known such pain! The inquisitors had first wanted to know everything that she had seen and heard regarding the events at the warehouse. As she related her story they accused her of heresy, that she was lying to protect her own acts of treason. It was then that the real torture had started. For seven days, Ruth had endured the not so gentle touch of the Inquisition to both her body and mind. While she had not renounced her story, the Inquisition had taken something far more precious from her, her faith. Faith in the Cyberpope, faith in the Church, and most painful of all, her faith in God. It was with this last loss that Ruth now felt empty. With what seemed to be her last bit of strength Ruth turned her head up towards invisible Heaven and wailed "Lord, what have I done to deserve this? Why have you abandoned me? Why have you left me alone . . . " Losing all strength, Ruth's head sagged forward. She had lost all hope now and all she wanted was for the pain and emptiness to end. It was then that the manacles that held her suddenly unlocked. As she fell, Ruth noticed that there was a sparking from one of the light sockets in the room. How long she lay on the floor, she did not know. However, her first recognition of the world was a warm and gentle hand upon her brow. From this hand, Ruth felt her strength returning, and the empty void inside her fill. She looked up and stared into the face of an angel. It was not one of the Cyberpope's transformed priests, but a true angel sent from God. Its hair and wings were flames, and its eyes burned with a cold light that sent a shiver down Ruth's spine. "Fear not child" said the angel, as if reading her thoughts. "I have not come here to hurt you but to save you. God has not abandoned you my child, and he has heard your torment and has sent me to aid you at the start of your quest." "My quest?" asked Ruth. "Yes, your quest my child, the universe and everything in it is at grave risk. However, time grows short and words are such a slow form of communication. Open your heart to me child, and I shall tell you all that you need to know. As Ruth did what was asked, she was suddenly filled with images that she only could half understand. Images of strange beings, of Darkness Devices, gospog, giant lizards and all sorts of other beings in league with the devil. However, she also saw images of many people and beings who were fighting against the evil. They called themselves Storm Knights, and they needed her help. Finally, Ruth spoke. "I accept the quest that you place in front of me. However, how do I get out of my imprisonment and where do I start?" "The how is simple. Everyone in this building is now sleeping, and the door is open. Take whatever items you need and go. As to where, go to the place that this world calls Indonesia. There you will find a man who will be a leader of Storm Knights, although he does not know it yet. Follow him and help him in every way that you can. Now I must go. Farewell Ruth." The angel turned as if to leave, but paused and once again faced Ruth. Smiling a gentle smile he said, "And remember that you are one of the Lord's children, and therefore you are never alone." As the angel faded away, Ruth did a quick check of her person. All the injuries that she had suffered at the hands of the Inquisition were gone. Her cyberware was all back on line and as the angel said, the door was now open. It was time for Ruth to return to her hunting, only this time it was the High Lords and their minions that were her prey.